Simple energy balance model of the Earth
You can use the arrow keys to set the sliders. For a bit of theory, see text down to the right.
- 100 °C
- 50 °C
- 0 °C
- -50 °C
- -100 °C
- -150 °C
- -200 °C
- -250 °C
- 100 °C
- 50 °C
- 0 °C
- -50 °C
- -100 °C
- -150 °C
- -200 °C
- -250 °C
Our planet is heated by absorbing solar radiation and cooled by emitting
infrared radiation. There must be a balance between the incoming and outgoing
radiation, otherwise the mean temperature of Earth will change. This model
calculates the temperature that results in a balance, for a simple model of
the planet.
The model in its simplest form neglects the atmosphere. Earth’s temperature
is then only governed by the magnitude of solar radiation and the fraction
of solar radiation that is reflected. This fraction is called the planet’s
albedo, A.
You can turn on an approximation of the greenhouse effect. How effective the
atmosphere is to emit radiation is called the emissivity, ε. The fraction of
emission from the surface that reaches space is 1-ε.
Finally, you can also turn on that the atmosphere absorbs a fraction of the
solar radiation passing it. This is called the absorptivity, α.
Some details: The magnitude of solar radiation outside of the atmosphere
is called the solar constant, S. Averaged over all positions on Earth and
day/night, the average solar radiation entering the atmosphere is S/4.
The absorptivity in the model is the one-way attenuation. All the absorption
is assumed to take place above where the planet reflects solar radiation
(in real life this would partly be above the clouds). The surface and the
atmosphere emitt according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law. An emissivity of 1
is assumed for the surface.